Installation and setup
- How do I upgrade my MiX Vision to a MiX Vision AI?
- Download MiX Vision AI installation guide
- When do we recommend a dash-mount vs pillar-mount driver camera?
- Setting up the MiX Vision AI as a peripheral
- Make a MiX Vision AI device available when used as a peripheral
- Connecting the MiX Vision AI peripheral to the mobile device
- Setting up the MiX Vision AI multiple camera solution
- Using MiX Vision device as an on-board computer
- Make the MiX Vision Streamax Standalone mobile device available
- Connecting the MiX Vision AI Standalone peripheral to the MiX Vision Standalone mobile device
- MiX Vision AI fault descriptions
- Choose which videos will be downloaded when an event is triggered
- Default settings for video event requests
- Limit video requests for an event
- Video data retention settings
- Change default to high resolution for event videos
- Set event video duration
- Choose the camera for the driver snapshot