This is a minor release to address some of the delays in communication experienced with the Quectel modems in some regions. In addition, there are some bug fixes relating to service requests that have been resolved since the release of 4.12.6.
Please check with your corresponding RSO first before upgrading to a new version of firmware.
New features and fixes
- Various improvements to speed up communication across the Quectel modem variants.
- DTCO Driver ID works correctly with renewed Drive ID cards.
- Internal GPS data handling improvements for when the device is under high CPU load.
- Power management improvements around internal battery management.
- Support for iPhone X via the TechTool on MiX 4000 with Nordic Bluetooth is now included.
Release Notes
Download the detailed release document here.
Remember that only the latest 3 firmware versions are supported
- 4.12.9
- 4.12.6
- 4.8.65