The 4.14.8 firmware includes many improvements since the previous production release 4.12.17.
Please check with your corresponding RSO first before upgrading to a new version of firmware.
- Commissioning improvements were implemented for the MiX 4401 - BG96 modem with AT&T SIM for North American customers.
- Commissioning improvements were implemented for the MiX 4412 - EG912 modem with roaming SIM for European customers.
- Comms improvements implemented specifically for African customers but available to all users using TAR events to ensure:
- Better connection uptime.
- Faster connection time.
- Reduced re-connection delays once coverage returns.
- The remote command to relay is now aligned with the "Progressively switch on" function in MiX Fleet Manager (MiX Brazil).
- Addressed various CPU load issues.
- Improvements were made to reduce CAN dropouts with better error handling.
- Enhancements around the remote setting of engine hours were implemented.
- Improvements were made to eliminate spikes in the reported fuel and RPM values from CAN.
- Changes were made to prevent odometer synchronizing to poor quality data for CAN or DTCO.
- Improved Bluetooth connection to MiX TechTool at start-up.
Release Notes
Download the detailed release document here.
Supported firmware versions are:
- 4.14.8
- 4.12.17
- 4.12.16
- 4.12.12