The MiX 6000 LTE 5.0.27 will be released as a hotfix in response to specific issues in the previously released firmware.
The following issues have been addressed:
- The Wi-Fi module previously required disconnecting and reconnecting to WiFi to recover from errors. Devices will now more appropriately reset the Wi-Fi module to recover from errors immediately.
- To handle SIM cards that change their IMSI numbers, devices will now build up a list of up to 8 APNs associated with past IMSIs, instead of resetting the isCommissioned flag. This way, they will not need to contact Alpha when the IMSI changes.
- MiX Connect will receive the Transfer Complete Message consistently. Previously, the BTS service would close the TCP socket before sending the Transfer Complete message, resulting in MiX Connect intermittently receiving the Transfer Complete message.
Note that this is the list of firmware versions that will be supported with this release:
- 5.0.24
- 5.0.27
Please check with your corresponding RSO first before upgrading to a new version of firmware.