Permission: You will need permission to the Video Gallery to access this feature.
All the videos for your organization are displayed in the video gallery. Site permissions for users are adhered to.
Topics in this article
- Click Monitor.
- Under Videos, click Video gallery.
You will be able to see both the event videos and the custom clips here. For the first release, you can only view the MiX Vision AI (Streamax) videos here. The first-generation MiX Vision (Cathexis) videos will be added in a later release.
- Select a date range from the list, e.g. Last two months. Select Custom from the dropdown list and choose your own date range by clicking on the calendar icons - a maximum range of 2 months can be selected. Click the green check to confirm your date choice if you selected the custom option.
- You can filter the list by assets, drivers, events, and locations. These filter settings are remembered next time you use the feature.
- Click the vehicle icon to search for an asset and check the box next to the asset description to include it in the results. The asset filter allows multiple assets to be selected - the number of selected assets is highlighted above the icon. Three assets have been selected in the example above and only videos for these 3 will be displayed in the video gallery.
- For performance reasons the driver, event, and location filters only allow a single selection at a time. If the icon is highlighted green, you will know that a filter applies (see the event filter in the example above).
- Click Clear all to clear all of the filters.
- Search for a video using any text displayed on the video cards. Because dynamic scrolling is enabled (which means the screen will load and show more videos as you scroll) search criteria are applied to new videos as you scroll down.
Please note that a maximum of 30 videos will be loaded at a time. As you scroll to the bottom of the screen, more videos will load if available. A message is shown in the thumbnail if a video failed to upload to the server or is still being processed.
View video cards in the list
- Videos are grouped and separated by date by default. A maximum of 6 videos are displayed on a single line.
- Each video card shows a thumbnail, the event name, event time, asset description and registration, the driver's name, and the location of the event. These are pre-defined custom locations. If the event occurred outside of a pre-defined location, the video card in the gallery will show "Unavailable". For custom video clips the name of the user that requested the custom clip will be displayed. The thumbnail for default events will usually show the road camera and if unavailable, the in-cab or driver camera or any other thereafter. For custom camera names, the thumbnail will display channel 1. For MiX Vision AI driver events the thumbnail will default to the in-cab camera and if unavailable the driver camera, thereafter road camera, or any other custom camera names.
Sort videos
- You can sort and view videos by date, driver name or event. Note that video cards are still sorted chronologically so as you scroll down the sorting will still apply which means when a new video comes in from the server it will display higher up on the screen.
Play videos
- Click on any of the video thumbnails to open the video player.
- The video player will contain the number of videos as per setup with the relevant camera names on each video.
- Custom camera names will be displayed containing the camera name that they were originally saved with, thus before any camera name changes were made.
- The details of the event will be indicated in the middle panel, including the driver's name, the start and end of the trip, and the event location.
- Vertical separators next to the panels can be adjusted to resize the screen. You can also toggle the layout by clicking the button at the bottom.
- Pressing play on the main screen will play all videos simultaneously, pressing play on the individual videos will play the individual videos.
- You can save the video or download the videos individually from the video player by clicking on the three dots menu button at the bottom left of each video.
- When clicking Save video for event videos you can choose which camera videos to download. Enter your login credentials to download the videos.
- For custom clip videos, all available videos will automatically be downloaded once you have provided your login credentials.
- You can also adjust the playback speed and choose to view picture in picture on the menu.
- The close button will return to the main video gallery page.
- You can view your videos in full-screen mode.
- Check the Auto-play videos box in the playlist on the right-hand side to play all the videos automatically. This is enabled by default but remembers the previous selection. Read Auto-play videos in the video gallery for more details on the playlist.
MiX Vision AI driver events
- MiX Vision: Driver fatigue - eye closing
- MiX Vision: No driver
- MiX Vision: Mobile phone distraction
- MiX Vision: Driver smoking
- MiX Vision: Driver distraction
- MiX Vision: Driver fatigue - yawning
- MiX Vision: Driver not wearing seatbelt