JIRA Key | Zendesk Ticket IDs | Release Note Info | Affected Region |
SR-17920 |
596264, 604820 |
Trip distances will be calculated manually as a fallback, only when an explicit sub-trip distance is not provided. |
SR-17579 |
581678, 582549, 584162, 592158 |
The MiX 4000/MiX 6000 LTE will now default to unit-based engine hours (instead of server-side calculations) for assets that are enabled for engine hours and that have not reported a firmware version when the configuration for the asset was compiled. |
SR-16306 | 516820 | Since Digital Matter, Oyster V1 devices do not provide battery state information, the value displayed in the diagnostics modal will show “Not available”. |
Australasia (AsiaPac)
SR-17855 | 596692 | Added the make "Force" to the dropdown in the Asset Make list. |
SR-17717 | 589998 | The Event Duration chart on the Event dashboard will now display the site name. |
SR-17670 | 586447 | The Journey Management Assignment Breakdown Report will now report data correctly. All historical data has been populated. |
SR-17902 | 599105 | Active links between assets and devices will be removed when the asset is decommissioned. This will ensure that the device will link to a new asset upon installation, and not only reflect after the first trip. |
North America
SR-17809 | 592056 | The event selections on the Events Important to me dashboard chart will now persist when a user navigates away from the page. |
SR-17899 | 590706 | Improvements were made to ensure site-level users get position updates when looking at a site in Live tracking. |
United Kingdom
SR-17512 | 580594 | To avoid multiple positions at the same location with different speeds, the OEM modules will now only send positions in when the GPS data or ignition data changes or if the speed value falls to zero at the same location without any ignition data available. |
United Kingdom