For the purpose of the software, an asset is defined as any item into which an on-board computer can been installed, including vehicles but can also be a trailer, generator or any item of value.
- View asset list
- Get a list of assets and IMEI numbers
- Add an asset
- Duplicate an existing asset
- Import a list of new assets
- Export a list of all your assets
- View and/or edit an asset
- Make changes to assets in bulk using the importing function
- Remove an asset
- Search for an asset using VIN
- Enable AEMP for an organization
- Adding an AEMP provider
- Edit AEMP provider
- Remove AEMP provider
- Add (commission) an AEMP provider asset in MiX Fleet Manager
- Remove (decommission) an AEMP provider asset from MiX Fleet Manager
- Why can I not make changes to an AEMP configuration group?
- The Make of my asset is not available in the list
- View a specific asset on historical tracking or the trip timeline
- Asset's status
- Fault codes (DTC)
- View asset fault codes (DTC)
- Which devices support fault codes
- Change asset icon
- Access control per asset and setting a default driver
- Add a specific asset to a custom group
- View an asset's service history
- Enter an asset's service record
- Edit an asset's service record
- Remove an asset's service record