Hours of Service module
- Setup on-board computer (OBC) for HOS functionality
- Enable the Hours of Service (HOS) functionality for your organization
- Configure HOS site settings
- Select which HOS rule sets are relevant for your organisation
- Choosing multiple rule sets to display to the driver
- Adding HOS Drivers
HOS Timeclock
- Installing the MiX Timeclock Plug Interface Agent
- Configuring the Timeclock
- Configure Timeclock login options
- Logging into Timeclock
- Navigating the Timeclock
- Using the Timeclock
EasyELD app
HOS rule sets
Time Entry
- What can Time Entry do for you?
- Minimum requirements for Time Entry
- Enable Time Entry for your organization
- Setting up Time Entry
- Add or edit a driver's sub-status
- View a list of drivers' sub-statuses
DTCO MiX 3D/ MiX 4000 and DTCO Download Manager
- Overview and supported devices
- DTCO MiX 3D / MiX 4000 onboard 3D requirements
- FM OBC and FM 3D connection and setup
- Real-time HOS
- Archive service settings
- Authentication service