MiX Fleet Manager
- A new banner in MiX Fleet Manager will indicate when a software update is in progress. This notification is displayed on the login screen and the menu bar at the top when you are logged in.
Customer Insights
- A user can now change the KPI target on the KPI charts directly to view KPI performance based on a different value. Site-level users can overwrite the target that was set up by a global administrator for the organization for instance. This will only apply to that session and will not overwrite the target set up in the organization goals.
OEM Connect
- Support for CNIL compliance was added for Ford OEM Connect vehicles. When CNIL is enabled for an organization the following will be applied to trips and event data that comes from any assets that belong to that organization that has a MiX Vision AI standalone mobile device installed:
- any speed data that comes through from the device will not be saved.
- when an over speeding event is triggered, it will not be saved to the database.
MyMiX Mobile
- Turkish language translations have been added and will now be supported in the app.
- In preparation for our next-generation mobile application, we have renamed our production application MyMiX Classic. To match the name change of the app, the MyMiX Classic driver account configurations in MiX Fleet Manager have also been renamed.
MiX Vision AI
- A new column called, Dealer name was added to the monthly Streamax billing report. The Dealer/RSO ID and Dealer/RSO name columns have been renamed to Dealer ID and RSO name respectively and a new column called, RSO ID was also added.
- Added MiX Integrate support for Teltonika device command SendPositionRequestMessage and SendRelayCommand.
- Handle version 2 header for Teltonika messages. Implemented the 2 bytes sequence number on the Version 2 header for Teltonika messages.