At the departure time, a journey owner will contact the JMC and instruct a JMC Operator to input the first update for a journey. This effectively takes the journey out of the approval workflow and into the monitoring workflow.
Journey Monitoring
- Click Monitor.
- Under Journey Management, click Monitoring.
This will open the Journey monitoring timeline that shows a graphical status display for approved, in-progress and completed journeys.
For a detailed description of the information displayed on the Journey Monitoring Timeline click here.
- Click the relevant green hyperlinked journey description on the journey card.
This will open a separate live monitoring browser window. Here you can view the journey reference, the progress update of the journey and the journey status indicator (in green, amber or red) in the top bar.
The system will automatically detect when the vehicle leaves the planned start location and will automatically set the status to In Progress, assuming that the journey was approved. Journeys will also be auto-completed when they reach the planned stop.
If you have to put the journey in progress manually you can update the progress status of the start location. Click here to read more on updating journeys manually.
- Click the phone icon for the contact details of the journey, e.g. the driver name, journey owner phone number, satellite phone number, etc.
- Click Done when you want to close the Live Monitoring screen. The journey progress and status will be unaffected.
- You can manually complete the journey by clicking the Complete Journey button if the journey reaches its destination. The progress status, in the top bar, will change to Completed.
- Cancel a journey by clicking Cancel journey. The progress status, in the top bar, will change to Cancelled.
View journey details
- The clock icon shows the entire duration of the journey at the top and indicates the planned duration at each stop location, i.e. how long is the driver supposed to stay at the stop. The duration for the adjusted plan will show you the exact duration that you stayed at the stop. If the driver stopped for exactly the same duration as the plan or less, the icon will change to green. If the stop duration was over the specified time the icon colour will change to red.
- The arrow icon displays the distance of the entire journey.
- The flag indicates the total number of planned stops for the journey.
- The green pin shows the start location and start details of the journey.
- The arrow icon shows the planned departure and planned arrival times for each stop. The adjusted plan is recalculated as the journey progresses and will update the arrival and departure times accordingly in this column. The background colour of the arrow will change to green, amber or red if the estimated arrival and departure is early, on time, slight delay or delayed (and depending on the values set in the config). A difference in time from the plan to the actual time value is indicated in the next column.
- shows the planned departure time.
- shows the planned arrival time.
- The status of the journey. After a journey has been completed, it will display a missed status if a point in the location has not been hit.
View details for each destination waypoint or stop location
- Click the 'i' to view the stop activity or the stop instructions.
- The blue flag indicates the anticipated stop locations / destination waypoints. The number of the stop is shown above the flag. After you reached a stop location, the colour of the flag will change to green, orange or red depending on whether you were on time, slightly delayed or delayed. (A blue pin indicates a transit waypoint. The duration is not monitored as this is used to guide the route to go through the location and is not a planned stop.)
- Shows the amount of info hub action comments. View the last 3 comments in a tooltip by clicking the 'i' next to the Info hub actions. The tooltip will display the comment, who created it, as well as the date it was created.
- Indicates that updates are overdue.
- Shows the end of the journey.
A briefcase icon indicates an order with the number of orders next to it.
For more information click the 'i' icon. This will display the following:
- Briefcase icon - number of orders and the actual order description. The briefcase icon will change on the tooltip as the worker progresses with the task.
- In progress - briefcase contains a spinner icon.
- En route - will have a little road icon.
- Completed - will have a green tick.
- When creating the stop, you indicate why the driver has to stop there, called the stop activity:
- Loading
- Off loading
- Rest stop
- Fuel
- Calendar - due date of the order - if the order is overdue the briefcase icon will be displayed in red.
- Stop instructions indicated by book icon is special instructions for the order, e.g. "load for 5 minutes and call a supervisor when done".
Please note:
- When “no specific location” is selected the comment/status information will be located at the vehicle position on the map.
- The JMC Operator can choose to view road hazards and locations by clicking on the map control.
- An in-progress journey is compared to its plan using two dimensions i.e. position and time. For position we are checking to see where the vehicle is relative to where it is supposed to be. This is relevant at stops and between stops. For time, the system checks to see whether the vehicle is on, ahead or behind schedule in relation to the stops on the journey (as this cannot be determined between stops).
- The system automatically detects and alerts when the vehicle leaves start, end or stop locations after the ETD for each stop has lapsed. These alerts are called, "Late Departure" alerts. If the actual arrival time at the location is after the ETA then the ETD is dynamically adjusted to allow for the specified (or calculated) stop duration. NOTE: This does not apply to the end location for the journey. The late departure notification will be only be sent out 5 minutes after the actual arrival time and the stop duration has been added if an actual departure has not been received.
- Only draft journeys that are less than two months old will be displayed to optimise the UI screen response time.