- Access the Journey Management settings as follows:
- Click Manage.
- Under Operations, click Organization Settings.
- Click the Journey management settings tab on the left.
- Add Journey Management Contacts (JMC Contacts) by clicking the + to expand the section. Read more here on how to add contacts.
- Expand the General settings section to add or edit JMC email addresses (where the journey monitoring alerts are sent to). You can only select a maximum of 5 JMC contacts.
- Expand the Routing settings by clicking the + and complete the following details:
- Select a default vehicle type.
If your organization, for example, mostly uses heavy trucks, you can check this box to avoid having to select it every time, i.e. this will auto-populate the truck attribute section on the route screen with an example weight that fits within the light truck or heavy truck weight range. You can however still change this on a journey-by-journey basis if you need to select another vehicle type. Please note that this functionality is only supported by HERE maps.
- Select whether you would like the fastest route or the shortest route to be displayed by default.
- You can enable or disable the traffic mode option.
- You can choose to allow, avoid or exclude toll roads, motorways, boat ferries, rail ferries, tunnels or dirt roads.
Selecting Allow will include these into your route; Avoid will try to avoid routes with these features but if no routes comes up, the map engine will pick the best one. Exclude will completely exclude routes with these features.
- Select a default vehicle type.
- To set your Automated monitoring settings click the '+' icon.
- Set the values for the slight delay, delayed, out of sequence, slight deviation, off plan, status update overdue, late departure, potential delay and potential slight delay and choose the email recipients for each of these by checking the relevant box below the headings.
- Slight delay / Delayed - A journey status will automatically change to delayed or slightly delayed based on the specified time thresholds.
- Out of sequence - A journey status will automatically change to out of sequence should the asset arrive/pass through a waypoint in the incorrect order.
- Slight deviation / Off plan - A journey status will automatically change to off plan or slightly deviated should the asset deviate from the planned route by the set distance thresholds for at least the specified time.
- Status update overdue - A status update will be considered as overdue based on the time threshold specified. An email will be sent after the status is overdue and the buffer threshold specified has expired.
- Late departure - A journey stop will trigger a late departure when a departure has not been recorded 5 minutes after the adjusted planned departure time.
- Potential delay - When the settings for potential slight delay/delay is enabled, a notification will be sent to the specified recipients in the settings when a potential on time has changed to anything other than a confirmed status. This will only be sent once even if a specific stop has gone to potential delay before.
- Potential slight delay - see above.
Entering values for slight delay or delayed will automatically enable Time-based monitoring. Position-based monitoring will automatically be enabled by setting values for slight deviation or off plan. See the example below.
- Click Save.