Permission: Your organization needs to be enabled for the HOS feature and you will need access to the Hours of Service module to access this dashboard.
These violations are all based on HOS drivers that are/were in a driving state and in violation of the relevant rule set activated for the organization.
- Click Monitor.
- Under Hours or Service, click HOS dashboard.
- Scroll down to the HOS VIOLATIONS chart.
- You can view violations for today, the last 7 days, or the last 30 days (both including the current day) by clicking the settings icon, selecting the radio button next to your required option and clicking apply as shown below.
- Include all violations in the chart or select only specific violations, e.g. view only off-duty at well site by clicking the settings icon and choosing Specific HOS violations. You can select a maximum of 5 violations at a time. See below:
- View the percentage of drivers with violations in red and the percentage of drivers without violations in green.
- Click on the section of the donut chart for additional information.
- This will let you view the sites containing the drivers with violations from worst performing to best performing.
- Click on the specific bar representing a site to view the drivers from worst performing to best performing with their relevant HOS violations.
- Hover over any of these bars representing a driver to view the violation in question. Each violation is represented by a different color.
- You can go to the HOS timeline or HOS log viewer of the relevant driver by hovering over the bar next to the driver. Click on the option to navigate to the timeline or log viewer for that driver.
- Click the Go to HOS overview button at the top right to go to the HOS Overview page.
- Click Back at the top to go to the previous screen/chart.
- Export the chart to CSV or Excel, which will show your data in rows, or PDF which will export an image version of the chart by clicking on the export icon at the top.
- You can view the cart in full-screen size, by clicking the button at the top:
- You can refresh the chart at the bottom, by clicking the refresh button.