Hours of service allows you to configure the custom or regulatory fatigue management rules relevant to the driver(s) of interest.
To apply hours of service settings to a driver follow the steps detailed below:
- Click Monitor.
- Under Fleet Admin, click Drivers.
- Search for the driver by using the filter bar at the top.
- Select the specific driver by clicking the green hyperlink in the driver name column.
- Click on the Hours of service tab on the left.
- Check the Hours of Service enabled for driver checkbox to enable this functionality.
- If the driver is exempt from using an ELD device, check the Exempt driver (United States) checkbox. You will be required to complete the license information. As part of the ELD compliance, the driver's license, license number and issuing state must be displayed on the MiX ELD during a roadside inspection and in the Driver Log report and must therefore be captured. Click the Click here to add license information link as shown below to enter these details:
- If the driver is not exempt, select the relevant Hours of Service rule set that will apply for this driver. Select the rule set by clicking on the rule set in the HOS rule sets box on the left and then clicking the top arrow to add the rule set to the Selected box on the right. (This control will enable users to select multiple rule sets in a planned future release.)
Note: If you select a US rule set you will be required to capture the license information. You will also note that the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) (North America) checkbox has been automatically selected and cannot be deselected as required by law.
- Enter the mandatory HOS home location, which is the driver's physical home location.
- Start of the day - This is the hour you designated to start the 24 hour period which will be the driver’s “day” for purposes of HOS regulations. The default setting is midnight (00:00). Select a different hour if, for logs and reports, you want the driver’s 24 hour period to start at a different time. This may be useful if the driver typically works a shift spanning two calendar “days”. The Start of Day you select here will be used for any regulation concerned with a 24 hour period. It does not affect “Shift” or “Workday” or “Tour of Duty” regulations. Start of Day also determines the first hour shown in the driver’s Log in FMES.
- HOS driver ID - The HOS Driver ID may be the same as the driver’s ID Number; however, it must be unique among all HOS drivers. The HOS Driver ID can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters.
- HOS password - HOS Password can be up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
- If you selected a Canadian rule set you can enable the driver for the ELD functionality.
- You can enable the Time Entry extension by checking the relevant box.
- Check the Allow agricultural exemption checkbox to enable this functionality. Check the box to remove the checkmark if you want to disable this functionality.
- Click Save.
Note: For newly created HOS drivers, the history of the HOS duty status changes are shown for the current rule set cycle plus one day. Thus the system will populate a historic off duty event for the driver with a rule set defined cycle duration plus one day. As an example, drivers in the US can have 8 day cycles, which means that the off duty status will reflect a maximum of 7 + current day (1) = 8 days back or a 14 + current day (1) = 15 days.