MiX Fleet Manager
- To empower users to troubleshoot issues independently, a new Help widget will be implemented to access the help centre easily. This will be accessible on all screens within MiX Fleet Manager, excluding the login screen. Grab this icon by hovering over the dots to move it around the screen.
- A new setting to enable or disable the sending of fault codes was added to the mobile device template for the MiX 4000 and MiX 6000 LTE mobile devices. The setting is enabled by default, but the device will only send fault codes if it runs a firmware version that supports the fault code messages. Please note that the firmware that supports fault codes on MiX mobile devices has not been released yet.
- AEMP assets, with their current positions are now shown in Live tracking.
- Calamp Lite and Premium have been added to the list of fuel-capable assets.
- Improvements to the MiX mobile devices (e.g. MiX 2000, MiX 4000, MiX 6000) will prevent comms delays by sending the current position as soon as a link to the internet has been established during periods of bad connectivity. Read more below.
MiX Insight Dashboards
- Very long site names or descriptions on the graph axes will now be shortened and shown with an ellipse. When hovering over the shorter name the full name will be displayed.
A new chart that displays distance, driving time and idling time by day of the week has been added to the Fleet utilization dashboard.
Read more in View distance / driving time / idling time by day of the week
MiX 4000
- A new AVL message has been created to mitigate AVL updates being delayed due to the on-board computer having to clear a backlog of messages when coming back into coverage after losing comms. Previously the MiX 4000 would send data buffered on the unit from oldest to newest which meant that an updated position was only visible on the map once the backlog had been cleared. The device will now send this new AVL to update the latest position whilst it continues to process the backlog of messages from oldest to newest.
Note: The new AVL will follow the same configured time interval as all other AVLs. The new AVL type will not trigger server-side events. This is supported on all MiX mobile devices but has an unreleased FW dependency for the MiX 2000 and MiX 6000 LTE and will only be available in FW 5.X.
MiX Help Centre updates
CAN Script – Alpha & Beta process
Teltonika settings guide to report to MiX Fleet Manager
Open/Expand help article in browser
View distance / driving time / idling time by day of the week
Enable/Disable fault codes on the MiX 4000 / MiX 6000
Tentative future release dates for MiX Fleet Manager
Rovi IV R23.8.6 maintenance release