% Difference from target based on Fuel Consumption Measurement unit (km per liter or miles per gallon)
In order for users to view the percentage difference in fuel consumption measurement (for example between “target km/l” and “actual km/l” , or “target miles per gallon” and “actual miles per gallon”) a “% Difference” column is shown in applicable fuel reports. These values are highlighted in red or green, depending on whether the outcome is satisfactory or not. The block will be red if the driver/asset delivered less actual distance per liter or gallon compared to target, and will be green if the driver/asset delivered more actual distance per liter or gallon compared to target.
For example :
Company A makes use of fuel consumption measurement mpg and sets a target consumption of 28.23 mpg for asset 1. On the Measured Fuel report, the asset delivered 30.36 mpg.
- The asset delivered more than the target value of 28.23 and therefore was more fuel efficient as it covered more mpg.
- The % difference is therefore displayed in green with a positive (+) value indicating that it is more and therefore good.
- The % difference is calculated as follows : ((Actual km/l – Target km/l)/Target km/l)*100 - converted to mpg.
- In this case ((30.36-28.23)/28.23)*100 = +7.55 % better than target.
The opposite is also true. If Company A makes use of fuel consumption measurement mpg and sets a target consumption of 30.58 mpg for asset 3 as displayed on the Measured Fuel report example above and the asset delivered 30.39:
- The asset delivered less than the target value of 30.58 and was therefore less fuel efficient as it covered less mpg.
- The % difference is therefore displayed in red with a negative (-) value indicating that it is not good as it was less than it should have been.
- The % difference is calculated as follows : ((Actual km/l – Target km/l)/Target km/l)*100 - converted to mpg.
- In this case ((30.39-30.58)/30.39)*100 = -0.62 % worse than target.
If the company decides to rather display the fuel consumption on l/100km or gallon/100miles, then the following applies:
% Difference based on Fuel Consumption Measurement unit (l/100km or gallon per 100miles)
In order for users to view the % difference in fuel consumption measurement for example between “target l/100km” and “actual l/100km”, or “target gallon/100miles” and “actual gallon/100 miles”, a “% Difference” column is available in applicable fuel reports. The values in this column will be highlighted in red or green depending on whether the outcome is satisfactory compared to the target or not. The block will be highlighted red if the driver/asset consumed more fuel liters per 100 distance units compared to target, and will be green if the driver/asset consumed less fuel liters per distance units compared to target.
For example:
Company A makes use of fuel consumption measurement l/100km and set a target consumption of 58 l/100km for asset 2. On the monthly report the asset delivered 49.37 l/100km.
- The asset consumed less volume liters per 100 km’s than the target value of 58 liters and therefore was more fuel efficient as it used less liters per 100km’s.
- The % difference is therefore highlighted in green with a negative value indicating that it is good as it is less and therefore under the target.
- The % difference is calculated as follows : ((Actual l/100km– Target l/100km)/Target l/100km)*100.
- In this case ((49.37-58.00)/58.00)*100 = -14.88% better than target, because less liters per 100 km is good.
The opposite is also true. If Company A makes use of fuel consumption measurement l/100km and sets a target consumption of 58 l/100km for asset 2. On the monthly report the asset delivered 59.98 l/100km.
- The asset consumed more volume liters per 100 km’s than the target value of 58 liters and therefore was less fuel efficient as it used more liters per 100km’s.
- The % difference is therefore highlighted in red with a positive value since it is not good if it is more and thus over target.
- The % difference is calculated as follows : ((Actual l/100km– Target l/100km)/Target l/100km)*100
- In this case ((59.98-58.00)/58.00)*100 = +3.41% worse than target, because more liters per 100km is not good.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The % difference calculated on fuel consumption values, i.e. km/l and l/100km will not be the same since the measurement unit base is different (see below in yellow blocks). If a user wishes to see the same % difference the variance should be calculated on liters and not on consumption values (see below in green blocks). Currently MiX Insight Reports only provides users the option to display either km/l or l/100km differences.
- Column E calculation = D3/(C3/100)
- Column F calculation =C3/D3
- Column G calculation =A3-E3
- Column H calculation =F3-B3
- Column I calculation =G3/A3*100
- Column J calculation =H3/B3*100
- Column K calculation =C3*A3/100 (This will be added to reports in a future release as an optional column)
- Column L calculation =C3/B3 (This will be added to reports in a future release as an optional column)
- Column M calculation =K3-D3 (This will be added to reports in a future release as an optional column)
- Column N calculation =M3/K3*100 (This will be added to reports in a future release as an optional column)