Troubleshoot and FAQ
- What does the MiX Vision AI camera record?
- GPS drift when requesting event videos
- View the video event configuration for a group
- View the video event configuration for a group
- Which video events can be captured by the video camera?
- What data is collected by the camera?
- Customize voice messages on MiX Vision AI
- How does the actual camera on the A-Pillar mount driver camera differ from the dash-mount driver camera?
- What happens when drivers forget to identify themselves at the start of trip
- Does MiX Vision AI still record when the vehicle is not moving?
- What is the size of the videos?
- How long are the event videos?
- How long does it take to upload the videos?
- How long are MiX Vision AI videos available in MiX Fleet Manager?
- MiX Vision AI video retries
- MiX Vision AI event FAQ's
- MiX Vision AI video FAQ's
- MiX Vision AI error: The video has not been uploaded to the server
- MiX Vision AI error: The video does not exist on this device
- MiX Vision AI error: The video clip upload to the server has failed
- MiX Vision AI: the video clip failed to download error
- MiX Vision AI: Event video requests capped event