Scenario 1:
Include trips that ended inside the selected date range and inside the shift even though they did not start within the selected date range. For example, I selected 16 January and my shift selection was 6 am to 6 pm. I have a trip that started on 15 January and ended on the 16th within my selected shift range. I therefore want to see this trip on my report as it overlapped with my shift selection for the 16th even though it started on the 15th.
Scenario 2:
Exclude trips that started within the selected date range but started after the shift selection. For example, I selected 16 January and my shift selection was 6 am to 6 pm. I have a trip that started at 7 pm on the 16 January and it ended within my shift parameter of after 6 am on the following day of the 17th. I therefore do not want to see this trip as it occurred out of my shift parameter for the selected day.
These reports will be affected:
- Daily Movement Report
- Detailed Measured Fuel Report
- Measured Fuel Report
- Detailed Trip Report
- Detailed Driving Performance Report
- Daily Trip Report