Have a look at the glossary page for definitions or terms that are used in Fleet Manager.
A | B| C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ACK - Acknowledgment Code is the acknowledged response to the incoming message from the server.
ADAS - Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
AEMP - The Association of Equipment Management Professionals is an organization that sets standards and best practices for telematics data, including the standardization of data transmitted from OEMs to third parties.
AOBRD - Automatic On-Board Recording Device that records a driver's hours of service (like the MiX Rovi II and MiX Rovi IV devices) but is not ELD-compliant. The MiX Rovi II and MiX Rovi IV can be used in both AOBRD and ELD modes.
API – Application Programming Interface, which is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software.
APN – Access Point Name, enabling SIM card communication via the internet, the gateway between a GSM, GPRS, or mobile networks and another computer network.
AMMO - Asset Make and Model Optimization
AT/VT – Asset tracking/Vehicle tracking. An off-the-shelf device to track moving vehicles and trailers.
AVL - Active Vehicle Location
BHOS - Basic Hours Of Service
BTDID - BlueTooth Driver ID
BYOD - Bring Your Own Device (being able to use your own preferred device instead of a mobile device supplied by a company, e.g. using your mobile phone as a tracking unit instead of a MiX 4000 to send data to MiX Fleet Manager)
CAN - A Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is a robust vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate.
CELD – Canadian ELD (refer ELD)
CNIL - The Commission Nationale Informatique & Libertés is the French Data Protection Agency. CNIL is responsible for ensuring that information technology remains at the service of citizens.
CSO - Central Services Organization
DEMT - Data Exclusion Management Tool
DID - Driver IDentification
DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Codes
DTCO - Digital Tachograph
DMS - Driver Monitoring System
DSM - Driver Safety Monitoring
DVIR - Driver Vehicle Inspection report - an official record that a driver completes daily to confirm they have completed the required inspections to operate any commercial vehicle as specified by law.
DWH – Data WareHouse. Store current and historical data in one single place used for creating analytical reports.
ELD - An ELD is an Electronic Logging Device installed in a commercial vehicle to record a driver's duty statuses, available driving time and vehicle data. An ELD has a connection to the vehicle's engine that electronically records driving time and all required legislated information for the driver to be ELD-compliant.
The ELD Mandate, also known as the ELD Final Rule, was instituted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in December 2015 and requires commercial motor vehicle drivers to track their duty status electronically, using compliant ELD's versus paper logbooks.
ETL - Extract, Transform and Load is a data integration process that combines data from multiple data sources into a single data warehouse.
EV – Electric Vehicle
FSM - Fleet Services Management
GHOS - Global Hours Of Service
GIS - Geographic Information Systems
GPS - Global Positioning System provides users with positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services. This system consists of three segments: the space segment, the control segment, and the user segment.
GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications
HDOP - Horizontal Dilution of Precision describes the error caused by the relative position of the GPS satellites. If the value is <2 it is considered accurate enough to determine if a vehicle is on the road. An HDOP value of 1 or below would give you an accuracy of about 2.5 meters.
HOS - Hours Of Service
ICCID - Integrated Circuit Card Identifier. Assigned to the hardware chip of each SIM card. Consists of 20 numeric digits.
IDC – International Data Centre - data on AU, UK, US, ZA and ENT environments.
IFTA - International Fuel Tax Agreement. A plan involving USA states that requires interstate motor carriers to report how much fuel they use within the borders of their state.
IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity. Linked to the modem hardware. Consists of 15 numeric digits.
IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Linked to the SIM card and not the mobile phone. Consists of 15 numeric digits.
IVMS - In-Vehicle Monitoring System
KPI – Key Performance Indicator - a performance measurement.
MAU - Monthly Active Users
MESA - MiX Embedded System Architecture
MFA - Multifactor Authentication
MiX - Mobile Information eXchange
MSISDN - Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number. SIM: Full mobile number, including the country code.
MPGe - Miles per gallon of gasoline-equivalent. Refers to the distance a car can travel on 33.7kwh of electricity.
OBC - On-Board Computer
OBDII - On-Board Diagnostic II, the second generation of on-board self-diagnostic equipment for light- and medium-duty vehicles.
ODS - Operational Data Store, A rolling 7-day storage for same-day reports and processing.
OEM - an Original Equipment Manufacturer. The OEM is the original manufacturer of an asset's components, so OEM parts are identical to the parts used in producing a vehicle.
OTA – Over the Air. Referring to data uploads to and from the device.
OFAC - Office of Foreign Assets Control administers and enforces economic sanctions programs against certain countries. The sanctions can be either comprehensive or selective, using the blocking of assets and trade restrictions. MiX is not allowed to conduct business with or within these countries, as per listing regulation of the NYSE.
PBS – Portable (Pico) Base Station. When a device (like TABS) does not have Magix, it connects to an FM device using a PBS.
PIG - Product Information Guide
RAG - Red Amber Green
RF – Radio Frequency. Wireless communication.
RIBAS - Revving, Idling, Braking Acceleration, Speed
RIM - Road Infrastructure Management
RODS - Records of duty status - drivers subject to the ELD mandate must automatically keep track of and record duty statuses using an electronic logging device (ELD).
ROVI - MiX in-cab device for ELD and HOS
RSO - Regional Sales Office
SOC - System Operation Centre OR
SOC - State of Charge (when referring to electric vehicles).
SMS - The GSM Short Message Service.
SSO - Single sign-on - a way for users to authenticate themselves using one set of user credentials across multiple independent platforms or apps without having to re-enter usernames or passwords.
TDI – Third-Party Device Integration
TOTP - (time-based one-time password) is generated by a computer algorithm using the current time of day for uniqueness, to create a temporary passcode to use as a one-time password.
UDP - User Datagram Protocol is the message protocol used to establish a connection between applications on the internet.
VIN - A vehicle identification number consists of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) that serve as a unique identifier for a specific vehicle.
VTES - Vehicle Technology Ecosystem - An in house project to produce a platform, based on Automotive Android OS and AWS Fleetwise IoT, to prepare MiX for the expected technologies that will be available in vehicles in the near future. MiX will be able to move quickly with developing solutions that gather a wide variety of data from vehicles and upload it to the cloud,where it can be used for a variety of value-added services and features.
WLTP - Worldwide harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure.