You can view a list of customer delivery points and related information when a location is set to type -customer from the Manage locations feature under Tracking.
- Click Monitor.
- Under Tracking, click Manage locations.
- Search for the relevant location name by typing in the search box at the top.
- You can choose to only view customer locations by clicking on the filter bar on the left.
- Click the green hyperlinked location name to see more information:
- Click on the customer delivery points link on the left.
- This will open a list containing all the customers linked to this delivery point.
- You can add more customers, by clicking the Select customer button. If you choose to associate a new customer a delivery point will automatically be created and you can add additional contacts and delivery windows for this delivery point.
- You can add new customers by clicking the If the customer does not exist - click here to add link.
- View the customer contacts and delivery windows by clicking the + next to the customer name:
- Add a customer contact or delivery window by clicking the,
under the relevant section. The contact list will contain all contacts that have been selected as type "customer" when they were created. You can add a maximum of 3 contacts per customer.
- Remove a customer contact or delivery window from this delivery point by clicking the X next to the relevant row. This does not remove the customer contact, but only disassociates the contact from this specific customer.
You can add, update or remove delivery windows for each associated delivery point.
You can also remove a customer from a location.