- Click Measure.
- Under Insights, click Reports.
- Choose Lists reports under report category.
The Asset Listing by Data Downloaded Report lists the various assets' last download date and specifies the number of days since the last download. Additional data includes information regarding the last service and when the next service is due as well as the engine hours since the last service. (These fields will only be populated if the data has been entered). This report is laid out in a table and is meant to be exported for further use and cannot be printed easily on one page.
This report reads from Active Data.
This is a good report to use to view unit performance.
Additional settings
- Enter the number of days since the last download. If a value is entered, the report will only show the assets that have not downloaded any data for the entered amount of days, e.g. 5 days since last download.
- If you choose "No" to not Include All Statuses you can check the boxes next to the statuses you want to include in the report, e.g.: Available, Unavailable, Accident, Immobilizer bypassed, Sold, Workshop, etc. If you select "Yes" to include all statuses, check the box next to "All".
- Site name at last download
- Asset ID
- Description
- Registration number
- Last Trip
- Current site name
- Days since last trip
- Engine hours (hh:mm:ss)
- Engine hours to next service (hh:mm:ss)
- Last service (odo)
- Last service date
- Last service hours (hh:mm:ss)
- Next service (odo)
- Next service due: date
- Next service due: distnace
- Next service hours (hh:mm:ss)
- Notes
- Odometer end
- Service interval (hh:mm:ss)
- Service interval (distance)
- Service interval (months)
- Status
- Time Zones
- Unit type
- Weeks to next service