- Click Measure, on the main menu at the top.
- Under Insights, click Reports.
- Choose Event reports under Select report category.
- Click on Detailed Event report.
The Detailed Event Report displays all the details associated with selected events that were recorded in the period selected for the report. It is advised that this report should be run with no more than 2 months of data at a time. This report will show the street, suburb, town, and/or city name, as well as any defined location associated with the captured coordinates. The report provides the ability to view if an event has occurred out-of-trip or in-trip as well as the total liters/gallons of fuel used per specific event. A user can also choose to only view events with zero-second events or not.
Please note: when comparing event information shown in Historical tracking and the events listed in the report it is not advised to exclude the zero-second events as this will cause a perceived mismatch between the two mechanisms for viewing events.
You can also read Run a report for the basics on generating a report.
- Fleet Managers
- Driver Supervisors
- Fleet Coordinators
- Controllers
Standard selection
- Choose the events that you want to view in the report, by clicking the Select button.
Click on the image to view it in full screen if the article is open in your browser.
This report provides a default selection of columns and numerous additional optional columns which can be selected. This allows a user to design the report to include only data important to their operations.
The report displays a Report Criteria summary at the top of the page. This summary will provide visible details of the selection criteria used in the report.
- Asset - Asset Description - displays the description of the asset as captured in the system or Driver Name - shows the name of the driver.
- Registration Number - the registration number of the asset \ Employee No.
- Event Description - the names of the events, e.g. "Ignition off". The event description is defined when adding an event to the Event library and can be edited.
- Start Date - shows the date when the start of the event occurred.
- Start Time - start time of the event occurrence.
- End Time - end time of the event occurrence.
- Nr of Occurrences - number of times the events occurred during the period specified.
- Event Value - if the event has a value or was configured to return a value, it will display in this column. See below for server-side event values.
- Total Duration - the time duration of the event. Events with a detailed or summary recording type will have an event duration.
- Road Speed Limit - If road speed events were selected a column will display to show what the speed zone was where that event occurred.
- Asset - depending on what was selected in Report on option. If driver was selected, you can include the asset and vice versa.
- Asset Custom Group
- Asset ID
- Asset Site Name
- Comms Type - the communication method, Satellite or Standard, that was used to send the
event. - Distance calculated from odo - events that are configured to record the start odometer and end odometer will have the distance from the start of the event until the end of the event displayed. This is not the same as the distance read from the mobile device.
- Driver - depending on what was selected in Report on option. If asset was selected, you can include the driver and vice versa.
- Driver Custom Group
- Driver ID
- Driver Site Name
- Employee No.
- End City - events that are configured to record an End Position will have the city name displayed in this column.
- End Date - the date that the end of the event was recorded.
- End Lat/Long - events that are configured to record an End Position with coordinates matching an existing location will have the location name. Clicking the hyperlink will show the location on the map.
- End Location - events that are configured to record an End Position with coordinates matching an existing location will have the location name displayed.
- End ODO - events that are configured to record the End ODO will have the unit’s odometer
reading at the end of the event displayed in this column. - End Region - events that are configured to record an End Position will have a region name in
this column. - End Street - events that are configured to record an End Position will have a street address in
this column. - End Suburb - events that are configured to record an End Position will have a suburb name in
this column. - End Town - events that are configured to record an End Position will have a town name in
this column. - Event Key
- Event Location - see server-side events below for more information.
- Event Type - displays if the event is configured as a detailed, summary, or notification event.
- Fleet Number
- Fuel Used - events that are configured to Record Pulse will display the total liters of fuel used
per event in this column. This is only applicable if a fuel measuring device is connected. - Measurement Units - see server-side events below.
- Speed Limit
- Start City - events that are configured to record a Start Position will have the city displayed in this column.
- Start Lat/Long - events that are configured to record a Start Position will have a Long/Lat in this column. The Long/Lat coordinates are clickable and will open a map with a pin where the start
of the event was recorded. - Start Location - events that are configured to record a Start Position with coordinates matching an existing location will have the location name displayed in this column.
- Start ODO - events that are configured to record the Start ODO will have the unit’s odometer
reading at the start of the event displayed in this column. - Start Region / Start State - this column will show as Start State for US organizations.
- Start Street - events that are configured to record a Start Position will have the street address
displayed in this column. - Start Suburb - events that are configured to record a Start Position will have a suburb name in
this column. - Start Town - events that are configured to record a Start Position will have the town name
displayed in this column. - Time zone
- URL in Excel Export - this will include the Trip column with the clickable blue arrow that navigates to Historical tracking in the downloadable Excel export.
- Trip ID - this value is a clickable link that navigates to Historical tracking.
- *Visual Media - displays video events. See more info below.
Additional Settings
- Choose to include or exclude all zero second events.
- Show events for a certain time only, e.g. from 6 am to 10 am - A label next to the date range on the generated report will indicate if a user selected a time range in the selection.
This report reflects events that occurred for drivers or assets matching the selection criteria. Events shown are restricted to those that were selected from the reporting criteria wizard.
- Click on the Lat/Long coordinates in the Detailed Event Report to view the location on the pop-up map.
- The street name and location will only be displayed if the coordinates of where the event occurred were captured.
*MiX Vision events
Recording video needs to be enabled on the event for it to be displayed in the report.
- Ensure that the optional column "Visual Media" has been selected.
- Download and view the Low Res video recording for the specific event.
- Click on the video camera icon to download the video.
Server-side events
The information displayed in the Detailed Event Rapport includes:
- Date and time of the event
- Event Location Name - will display where the server-side event occurred.
- Duration (Over-speeding in location event)
- Maximum speed (Over-speeding in location event)
- Event Value (Movement server-side event) - Will display the location name, or in the instances where server-side events have various event values, it will display those relevant (e.g. speed / distance) in the event value column and will display the location name in the Event Location Name column.
NB note : Event at location does not display in Reports, Historical Tracking or Timeline for FM units as it only processes active event data and not passive event data. Read more here.
Which columns to select for the various server-side events:
- Distance in location – select the optional column Event Location and it will display the location name where the event occurred. Also, select Measurement Units for the event value which will be the approximate distance. Start and End times will be different and the Duration is also displayed.
- Duration at location - select the optional column Event Location and it will display the location name where the event occurred. It will not display duration as the event is a notification event and is setup to only display the occurrence if the asset/driver where in the location for longer than a specified amount of minutes. It will also display the start and end time.
- Event at Location - select the optional column Event Location and it will display the location name where the event occurred. It will not display duration. Start and end time will display the same time Note for this specific event, these columns will only display for MiX 2000 / MiX 4000 / MiX 6000 and not for FM units.
- Location entry - select the optional column Event Location and it will display the location name where the event occurred. It will not display duration. Start and end time will display the same time.
- Location exit - select the optional column Event Location and it will display the location name where the event occurred. It will not display duration. Start and end time will display the same time.
- Location started - select the optional column Event Location and it will display the location name where the event occurred. It will not display duration. Start and end time will display the same time.
- Location stopped - select the optional column Event Location and it will display the location name where the event occurred. It will not display duration. Start and end time will display the same time.
- Movement Alert - Select the optional column Measurement Units as this type of event will display the speed value in the default column Event Value and will display the measurement unit in the optional column. It will not display duration. Start and end time will display the same time. This will also not display the Event Location as it is not applicable to this type of event.
- Over-speeding in location - Select the optional columns Event Location, Speed Limit and Measurement Units. This event will have different start and end times as well as a duration value.
Over speed in location - For the default event only - this is not a server-side event.
Select optional columns Speed Limit, Event Location, Measurement Units. This event will display different start and end times, an event value, speed limit, duration, measurement unit type and the event location. -
Road Speed Events - For the default event only - This event is not created like the other server-side events but it is also an SSE. Select the optional columns Speed Limit, Measurement Units. This event will display different start and end times, an event value, speed limit, duration, and the measurement unit type. It will not display the event location.
- Location entry and exit– select the optional column Event Location and it will display the location name where the event occurred. It will display duration. The start and end time values will be different.