When setting up road speed over speeding events it is important to note that there are server-side over speeding events as well as onboard road speed events and where and how you configure them will influence when these events are triggered and displayed.
When you go to your event library you will notice that there are In-cab road speed over speeding events and Over speeding in location events that look slightly similar. You will also see a road speed overspeeding event, which is the server-side event.
1. Road speed over speeding server-side events
The road speed over speeding event is a server side event and configured under organisation settings under the Roadspeed events tab. You can enable these events for your entire organization, certain groups or even individual assets. You can also configure a buffer that will allow an amount of grace in either the percentage or the distance per hour value before the event will fire. These events are triggered by using the HERE maps and the asset AVL.
Read Enable and customize road speed events to learn how to set this up.
PLEASE NOTE if your mobile device supports road speed over speeding and this has been enabled (see below), the configuration will not trigger the event because the system will make sure that the mobile device over speeding monitoring takes preference over the server-side events to prevent duplication. This means that the server-side events will automatically be disabled if onboard over speeding monitoring is enabled.
2. MiX Rovi in-cab road speed limit monitoring
The three in-cab road speed over speeding events as shown in the event library above will be used when enabling speed monitoring using the MiX Rovi.
Read Enabling location speed monitoring using MiX Rovi to learn how to set this up.
For these events you can also set a speed buffer percentage that will allow an amount of grace before the event will fire. Where a buffer is set to zero, the event will be true at the over speeding value.
- The Warning delay is the delay before the driver is warned via the buzzer on the on-board computer that they have exceeded the over speeding in the location value plus the buffer. The Recording delay follows the warning delay and is the delay before the over speeding in location event is recorded. If the driver does not reduce speed below the over speeding threshold (plus the buffer) within the recording delay, the event is recorded from the beginning of the recording delay.
- Active Message sending can be configured based on excessive speed or excessive duration. An active message will be sent when the driving speed exceeds the specified excessive speed or duration limits regardless of any warning or recording delays. The following active messages are visible in the Info Hub and Live Tracking and available for the creation of notifications:
- Over Speeding due to excessive speed (Active Message only).
- Over Speeding due to excessive duration (Active Message only).
These events are driven by Sygic and it is important to ensure that a relevant Sygic map license has been enabled.
Read Activating map navigation.
It is very important to note that when in-cab road speed events are enabled, they take priority over the server side road speed events, which are then automatically disabled on any asset that has been set up to use onboard road speed over-speeding.
You cannot enable both road speed over speeding events for an asset. If you want to use the server-side over speeding events, you must first disable the in-cab road speed over speeding monitoring.
3. Location speed monitoring using location template
Checking the box Location speed monitoring box at the top will enable the three over speeding in location events as shown in the event library above.
Read Enabling location speed monitoring using onboard computer to learn how to set this up.