Getting started with On-Road IoT
- Minimum system requirements
- Introduction to On-Road IoT
- Glossary
- Navigating the system
- Acronyms
- Setting your home page
User Settings
- Change your MiX Fleet Manager password
- Forgot your MiX Fleet Manager password?
- Locked account?
- Change your username
- Change your personal details
- Select your preferred language
Organization settings
- Tracking frequency and duration
- Configuring driver access
- Mark a site as a decommissioned site
- Add/edit additional asset details for the organization
- Add/edit additional driver details for the organization
- Set up standard scoring thresholds
User Admin
- How roles, security groups and users work
- More about roles
- Permissions
- Permissions and what they are used for
- Create a role
- Edit a role
- Data retention settings
- Set the default user authentication settings for the organization
- Enable an organization for CNIL
- Enable the fleet utilization dashboard chart
- Add third-party reference ID
- Organization goals
Config Admin
Fleet Admin
Electric Vehicles (EV)
- View and monitor electric assets
- Add electric assets
- Connect energy peripheral in asset config mobile device template
- Resize the panels on the Electric fleet operations module
- View electric assets' state of charge
- View estimated available range of EV
Info Hub
Over speeding monitoring
Activity timeline
- Navigating the trip timeline
- Viewing trips on the timeline
- View an asset or driver's last trip
- Viewing events on the trip timeline
- Viewing the trip plotted on the map
- Changing the driver associated with a trip
MiX Scoring
- What is custom scoring?
- How does MiX custom scoring work?
- Example use cases of how the Mix Custom Scoring can benefit you
- MiX Custom Scoring terminology
- Important points to take note of when enabling MiX Custom Scoring
- Difference between scoring models
Journey Management
Jobs and messaging
- Create default messages
- Create default replies
- Disable a default message
- Remove a default message or reply
- Disable a default reply
- Create new message